Monday, December 28, 2009

Home Made Whole Wheat Bread

Home Made Wheat Bread from my good friend Julie! This is a picture of a yummy tuna sandwich I made at home on this delicious bread! Great for sandwiches, toast, or just to eat plain! It truly is so yummy. We ate it with stew last night.

1 cup warm water
1 tablespoon milk
2 tablespoons coconut oil
3 tablespoons raw honey
3/4 teaspoon sea salt
3 cups whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons dry active yeast (or more for fluffier bread! yum!)

Put all ingredients in order in a bowl and mix until blended. Knead for about 5 minutes, until dough is nice and springy. Let rise for at least 30 minutes. Bake for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
You can also put everything in your bread machine, push a button and be done. :)

Whole Wheat Flax and Apple Muffins

Whole Wheat Flax'N Apple Muffins

From Hodgson Mill

1/2 c Milled Flax Seed
3 c whole wheat flour
1/2 cup raw honey OR 3/4 cup organic cane sugar or xylitol

4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tablespoon cinnamon
2 eggs, beaten
3 c finely chopped organic apples, skins attached or removed- your preference
6 Tbsp. Unrefined coconut oil
1 c milk
1 c chopped nuts- optional

Blend dry ingredients together in a bowl. In a separate bowl; combine egg, your choice of sweetener, oil and milk. Add dry ingredients to egg mixture and stir until just blended. Fold in apples and nuts. Batter will be thick. Fill well-greased (grapeseed or coconut oil spray) muffin cups 2/3 full. Bake at 400 degrees F. for 18-20 minutes or until top springs back when touched.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Vitamin D Recommendations

We 100% believe that Vitamin D plays a huge role in staying healthy- especially during the winter months with all those bugs and flus going around. You can easily find gel caps to take or you can also find vitamin D drops. We take the capsules, and give our daughter drops in her milk. Something so simple.... we believe makes all the difference!

Vitamin D Dose Recommendations
Age Dosage
Below 5 35 units per pound per day
Age 5 - 10 2500 units
Age 18 - 30 5000 units
Pregnant Women 5000 units


There is no way to know if the above recommendations are correct. The ONLY way to know is to test your blood. You might need 4-5 times the amount recommended above. Ideally your blood level of 25 OH D should be 60ng/ml.

Want To Know Why I Use Whole Wheat, Non-Enriched Flour?

Great article on Need to start slow? Mix white with wheat until you are using all wheat. That's how I started 6 years ago. It takes a little experimenting with certain recipes as it does bake slightly different. Now I grind my own flour in my Vita Mix from organic wheat. It is SOOO delicious and fresh.

I urge you to try whole wheat!

The Little-Known Secrets about Bleached Flour...
Posted by: Dr. Mercola
March 26 2009 | 68,991 views

flour, white flour, bleach, bleached flour, alloxanby Dr. Mercola

Nearly everyone knows that white flour is not healthy for you, but most people don’t know that when white flour is bleached, it can actually be FAR worse for you.

It’s generally understood that refining food destroys nutrients. With the most nutritious part of the grain removed, white flour essentially becomes a form of sugar. Consider what gets lost in the refining process:

  • Half of the beneficial unsaturated fatty acids
  • Virtually all of the vitamin E
  • Fifty percent of the calcium
  • Seventy percent of the phosphorus
  • Eighty percent of the iron
  • Ninety eight percent of the magnesium
  • Fifty to 80 percent of the B vitamins

And many more nutrients are destroyed -- simply too many to list.

The Journey of the Wheat Berry

Have you ever wondered how white flour is made?

The website Healthy Eating Politics has an interesting article about the process.

Most commercial wheat production is, unfortunately, a “study in pesticide application,” beginning with the seeds being treated with fungicide. Once they become wheat, they are sprayed with hormones and pesticides. Even the bins in which the harvested wheat is stored have been coated with insecticides. If bugs appear on the wheat in storage, they fumigate the grain.

A whole grain of wheat, sometimes called a wheat berry, is composed of three layers:

  • The bran
  • The germ
  • The endosperm

The bran is the layer where you’ll find most of the fiber, and it’s the hard outer shell of the kernel. The germ is the nutrient-rich embryo that will sprout into a new wheat plant. The endosperm is the largest part of the grain (83 percent), making up most of the kernel, and it’s mostly starch.

White flour is made from the endosperm only, whereas whole-wheat flour combines all three parts of the wheat berry.

Old time mills ground flour slowly, but today’s mills are designed for mass-production, using high-temperature, high-speed steel rollers. The resulting white flour is nearly all starch, and even much of today’s commercially processed whole wheat flour has lost a fair amount of nutritional value due to these aggressive processing methods.

White flour contains a small fraction of the nutrients of the original grain, with the heat of the steel rollers having destroyed what little nutrients remain. But then it is hit with another chemical insult--a chlorine gas bath (chlorine oxide). This serves as a whitener, as well as an “aging” agent.

Flour used to be aged with time, improving the gluten and thus improving the baking quality. Now, it is treated with chlorine to instantly produce similar qualities in the flour (with a disturbing lack of concern about adding another dose of chemicals to your food).

According to Jim Bair, Vice President of the North American Millers Association:

“Today, the US milling industry produces about 140 million pounds of flour each day, so there is no way to store the flour to allow it to age naturally. Plus, there is a shelf life issue.”

It has not been determined how many mills are bleaching flour with chorine oxide, but we do know the use of chlorides for bleaching flour is considered an industry standard.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines chlorine gas as a flour-bleaching, aging and oxidizing agent that is a powerful irritant, dangerous to inhale, and lethal. Other agents also used include oxides of nitrogen, nitrosyl, and benzoyl peroxide mixed with various chemical salts.

The chlorine gas undergoes an oxidizing chemical reaction with some of the proteins in the flour, producing alloxan as an unintended byproduct. Bair and other milling industry leaders claim that bleaching and oxidizing agents don’t leave behind harmful residues in flour, although they can cite no studies or published data to confirm this.

Why Bleaching Makes White Flour Even Worse

It has been shown that alloxan is a byproduct of the flour bleaching process, the process they use to make flour look so “clean” and -- well, white. No, they are technically not adding alloxan to the flour -- although you will read this bit of misinformation on the Internet. But, they are doing chemical treatments to the grain that result in the formation of alloxan in the flour.

With so little food value already in a piece of white bread, now there is potentially a chemical poison lurking in there as well.

So what is so bad about alloxan?

Alloxan, or C4 H2O4N2, is a product of the decomposition of uric acid. It is a poison that is used to produce diabetes in healthy experimental animals (primarily rats and mice), so that researchers can then study diabetes “treatments” in the lab. Alloxan causes diabetes because it spins up enormous amounts of free radicals in pancreatic beta cells, thus destroying them.

Beta cells are the primary cell type in areas of your pancreas called islets of Langerhans, and they produce insulin; so if those are destroyed, you get diabetes.

There is no other commercial application for alloxan -- it is used exclusively in the medical research industry because it is so highly toxic.

Given the raging epidemic of diabetes and other chronic diseases in this country, can you afford to be complacent about a toxin such as this in your bread, even if it is present in small amounts?

Just How Much is Too Much?

Similar to disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in water, alloxan is formed when the chlorine reacts with certain proteins remaining in the white flour after the bran and germ have been removed. Protein makes up between 5 percent and 15 percent of white flour, depending on whether it’s cake flour, or high-gluten flour, such as what’s used for pizza crust or bagels.

So, this would suggest that perhaps 5 to 15 grams of protein per 100 grams of flour could be contaminated.

However, according to Professor Joe Schwarcz, Director of the McGill University Office of Science and Society, alloxan is the byproduct of xantophyll oxidation only. Xantophylls are yellow compounds in wheat that react with oxygen, causing flour to turn white.

According to Mr. Schwarcz:

“One of the possible minor side products of xantophyll oxidation is alloxan. It may therefore be found in small amounts in flour. There is no available research that shows trace amounts are a problem or that alloxan builds up in the body. The amounts, if present at all, must be small because xantophylls themselves only occur to the extent of 1 microgram per gram of flour.”

Alloxan has not been studied in terms of human exposure, particularly long-term. There is just so much we don’t know, and you know what assumptions will get you.

Alloxan in Rats vs Alloxan in Humans

Scientists have long known that alloxan produces selective destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas, causing hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis in laboratory animals. Alloxan is structurally similar to glucose, which might explain why the pancreatic beta cells selectively take it up.

According to Dr. Hari Sharma’s Freedom from Disease, alloxan causes free radical damage to DNA in the beta cells of the pancreas, causing them to malfunction and die. When they fail to function normally, they no longer produce enough insulin.

Even though the toxic effect of alloxan is common scientific knowledge in the research community, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still allows companies to use chemical processes in which the end result is toxic food. Until they unequivocally prove something is toxic by way of human deaths, severe side effects, or when the public screams loudly enough, the FDA is not likely to protect you.

Until then, it is you who must protect yourself.

If you have diabetes, or cancer, have a compromised immune system, or if you are in some other high-risk category as tens of millions of North Americans are, you need to know what foods contain hazardous ingredients so you can avoid them. But in the case of alloxan, there is no way to know, either by reading the ingredient list or by any other means, that it might be in your food!

History of Bleaching Flour -- Pillsbury and the FDA

An interesting sideline to this whole flour story lies in the origins of the FDA.

Bleaching and oxidizing agents weren’t developed to produce quick aging of wheat flour (within 48 hours) until the early 1900s. Prior to that, it required several months for oxygen to condition flour naturally.

When bleaching was introduced, it was vehemently opposed.

The first major consumer advocate was Harvey W. Wiley, MD, who eventually became known as the “Father of the Pure Food and Drugs Act” of 1906. Mr. Wiley was head of the Bureau of Chemistry, which was the precursor to the FDA. Wiley crusaded against benzoic acid, sulfites, saccharin, and bleached flour, among other food additives and adulterants.

Dr. Wiley felt so strongly about preventing the bleaching of flour that he took it all the way to the Supreme Court. They ruled that flour could not be bleached or “adulterated” in any way. However, it was never enforced.

Wiley believed that foods posed a greater risk to the public than adulterated or misbranded drugs. He constantly butted heads with Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson and President Roosevelt over food regulation.

Soon, Wiley’s personal administrative authority was undercut when Wilson created the Board of Food and Drug Inspection in 1907 and the Referee Board of Consulting Scientific Experts in 1908, one of which was reportedly headed by someone who had been working at Pillsbury, although I have not been able to verify this addendum.

Finally, in 1912, Dr. Wiley quit as director out of frustration, although he continued as a vocal consumer advocate for many years.

The government replaced Dr. Wiley with Dr. Elmer Nelson. Dr. Nelson was the polar opposite to Wiley , and was quoted as saying:

”It is wholly unscientific to state that a well-fed body is more able to resist disease than a poorly fed body. My overall opinion is that there hasn’t been enough experimentation to prove that dietary deficiencies make one susceptible to disease.”

Therein lies the foundation of the FDA. Since Dr. Wiley resigned, the FDA has continued to shift its focus on drugs, since Wiley was never able to convince the government of the dangers from chemicals in our foods. He was truly a pioneer and a century ahead of his time!

Food For Thought

The important point to take away is, beware of any processed food because chemicals are always used. And we simply don’t know what the long-term effects will be of ingesting chemicals, on top of chemicals, on top of more chemicals.

Strive to stick to whole unprocessed foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. If you’re going to eat grains, make sure they are at the least unbleached, whole, and organic, and eat them in the proportion that is best for your nutritional type

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Great Organic Deals

Ok, so I was thinking today how I have several friends who live around the US and eat whole organic foods or gluten free, etc. Why not share the deals we find? We currently live in Atlanta, but are visiting Rochester, NY for Christmas. Things are much different here, I am finding that not only am I needing to spend more on good organic foods, they are much harder to find. So let's share where we find the best deals on staple items! If you email me or comment, I'll add what you share to this post. Might as well share resources right?


Unrefined coconut oil at the Dekalb County Farmer's Market- $10.99/ 1/2 gallon
Grapeseed oil- Costco
Organic free range chicken drumsticks from Trader Joe's- $1.29 lb
Raw Milk from Carlton Farms- $7/gallon


Raw Milk- Steve Galens Homestead Acres $3/gallon-
Organic Farm- Smoke Ridge Organics

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Recommended Reading/Viewing

Just a list of books DVDs my husband I totally recommend (more to be added) :

Eat Fat Look Thin by Bruce Fife
Whether you want to lose weight or not, this book is full of necessary information for healthy eating!

Taking Charge of Your Fertility

A great book to learn about your body and get off that icky birth control!

Dvd: Food, Inc.
And absolute MUST SEE.

Dvd: Healing Cancer From The Inside Out
Also a must see!

Dvd: Vaccine Nation

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bread Stuffing

I have always wanted to make my own stuffing- I love love love it and won't buy the prepared box stuff! So finally I tried, and it was so easy I had no idea. I saved bread until I had enough- any whole grain bread that was going stale, including the ends of our Ezekiel bread that no one wants to eat...

3/4 cup organic butter
4 stalks organic celery, chopped
1 onion chopped
1/2 cup organic chicken broth
9 cups bread broken into small pieces
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon ground sage
1/4 teaspoon pepper

Melt butter over medium heat. Add vegetables and cook until tender. Add additional ingredients and mix well. Cook until warm or stuff in your turkey. If you think it's too dry just add a little more butter and a splash more of broth (I had to).

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Home Made Sauce & Meatballs

My Note: New Years Resolution 2010: to learn to make home made sauce using only fresh tomatoes and nothing from a CAN!

This is my Grandma's recipe and I changed it just a bit. The meatballs are just how she makes them and so yummy! And it's kind of not really a recipe just a do it as you go... Hopefully we don't get too much BPA from the cans! Eek!


2 large cans of organic crushed tomatoes
2 large cans of organic tomato sauce
2 small cans of organic diced tomatoes
2 small cans of organic tomato paste
a least 10 freshly crushed garlic cloves (or more!)
season with:
about 1/4 cup Italian seasonings
about 2 tablespoons basil and oregano
about 1 tablespoon sea salt and garlic salt
about 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

Just put everything in your pot and cook on med-low for several hours. Just taste as you go to add more spices. You can also add sugar or honey or agave nectar to sweeten it. My sister in law Cheryl made it once with chopped zucchini and green peppers and that was good too.


1/2 of a medium onion chopped very small
1 lb organic free range ground beef or ground turkey (both work great)
1 cup breadcrumbs or oats for gluten free
3 garlic cloves crushed fresh
3 tablespoons parmesan or romano cheese
1 1/2 handfulls of dried mint, crushed in your hands
3 free range eggs
season with about 1/2 teaspoon pepper, 1/2 teaspoon sea salt, 1 teaspoon garlic salt and one tablespoon italian seasonings. Harder to guess on the meatball spices because you can't taste it until it's done! :/
Just mix it up with a spoon or your hands and roll them into balls- throw them in the sauce so they are fully covered and let them cook with the sauce for several hours.
Or you can put everything in the crockpot.

I freeze extras. A few cups separate if I want it for raviolis, or 1 cup separate to use for pizza....

If you try it, defnitely let me know what you think! We like it a lot. I also do a meat sauce occasionally just for variety- that recipe is really good as well and it's on my blog too...

This Gluten Free Eggplant Parm Was a Hit!

Matt surprised me one day saying, "I'm making dinner tomorrow!" ...This never happens! And I never thought it would be as delicious as this meal was! Yummo! He can cook any time he wants to now! :) It was so good I forgot to take a picture, I was too busy stuffing my face!

Original Recipe from Elana's Pantry Cookbook, substitutions as noted

1 eggplant
1 1/2 cups almond flour (can substitute for coconut flour)- we used coconut flour
Teaspoon sea salt
2 eggs
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons grapeseed oil
2 tablespoons olive oil (sub for all coconut)
3 cups tomato sauce - we used home made
2 cups mozzarella cheese (cheddar)- we used raw mozz cheese
1/4 cup parmesan
oven to 350
cut into slices (1/4 inches)
almond flour and salt on plate
bowl with eggs and water dip eggplant into bowl and then into flour
saute in pan of grapeseed oil (medium heat until golden brown)
9 x 13 dish layer of sauce and then layer eggplant add another cup of sauce and cup cheese do 2 layers sprinkle parm on top
cook 15 minutes

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Grape Seed Oil Facts

From lowering cholesterol to reducing fine lines and wrinkles, it turns out that the oil inside those tiny seeds in grapes has a whole "bunch" of benefits! Top chefs are now cooking with grapeseed oil because of its amazing effect on enhancing the natural flavours of food. The late Master Chef, Jean Louis Palladin, noticed that his customers always felt good after a meal cooked in grapeseed oil. It's one of the few foods known that not only reduces LDL (the bad cholesterol), but raises HDL (the good cholesterol). This helps to keep arteries clear, which may contribute to another benefit of grapeseed oil - its potential to guard against impotence. Grapeseed oil contains a high level of antioxidants, including vitamin E, which makes it not only healthy, but very stable- which means it doesn't change when heated at a high temperature like a lot of other oils.

Why Coconut Oil?

During World War II, the Japanese military occupied the Philippines and other South Pacific islands, where bloody battles were being fought.

The once-plentiful supply of coconut oil was effectively cut off from the United States.

Although coconut oil had been popular both as a cooking oil and ingredient in numerous food products, the occupation continued to interrupt the supply for several long years as the war slowly dragged on.

Enter good old American ingenuity (in this case, not so good for your health).

Manufacturers began to develop alternative sources of cooking oils, and the polyunsaturated oils phase was born. By the time the war was over, there was a lot of money at stake in the promotion of these polyunsaturated vegetable oils.

By the end of the 1950's, public opinion had turned totally against saturated fats like butter (and coconut oil). Saturated fats were blamed for raising cholesterol, and cholesterol was now viewed as the evil enemy, the culprit responsible for the steep rise in heart disease.

Butter, eggs and coconut oil were out.

The new vegetable oils were in... and erroneously touted as "heart-healthy."

Coconut oil continued to be demonized by the vegetable oil industry throughout the ensuing decades. Adding insult to injury, the soybean industry began to condemn the use of tropical oils, particularly coconut oil.

And I'm sure you realize the reason why -- competition... and millions and millions of dollars.

Unfortunately, the tropical oil industry, centered in poorer nations like the Philippines and Indonesia, could not afford to counter the negative propaganda spread by rich American industrial conglomerates.

Science and good health took a back seat to profits, as they have on more than one occasion...

The Hidden Truth About Coconut Oil

The truth about coconut oil is obvious to anyone who has studied the health of those who live in traditional tropical cultures, where coconut has been a nutritious diet staple for thousands of years.

Back in the 1930's, a dentist named Dr. Weston Price traveled throughout the South Pacific, examining traditional diets and their effect on dental and overall health. He found that those eating diets high in coconut products were healthy and trim, despite the high fat concentration in their diet.

Similarly, in 1981, researchers studied populations of two Polynesian atolls. Coconut was the chief source of caloric energy in both groups. The results, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, demonstrated that both populations exhibited positive vascular health. There was no evidence that the high saturated fat intake had a harmful effect in these populations.

Coconut Oil -- Your Smart Alternative to Those Other Oils


Those living in tropical populations who follow traditional diets high in coconut oil and coconut products enjoy overall good health.

So, now that you have heard the history behind coconut oil's unfortunate "fall from grace", you should also know today's good news: coconut oil is finally beginning to get the respect it deserves as a smart alternative to other oils.

The many benefits of coconut oil are finally reaching the mainstream.

Benefits like:

  • Promoting your heart health
  • Promoting weight loss when and if you need it
  • Supporting your immune system health
  • Supporting a healthy metabolism
  • Providing you with an immediate energy source
  • Helping to keep your skin healthy and youthful looking
  • Supporting the proper functioning of your thyroid gland

Plus, our recent survey discovered that users of Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil:

  • Gained peace of mind knowing they were making the smartest oil choice
  • Loved the taste and the enhanced flavor added to their food
  • Embraced the improvement made to their skin when used as a lotion

With all of these fantastic perks from pure coconut oil, it probably won't surprise you to...

Peek Inside My Pantry to See the Only Oil I Cook With

I must confess...

"Coconut oil is transforming my health! Not only am I losing weight, but my skin, hair (damaged with spit ends), and nails (soft and brittle) are healthier. And it didn't take that long. I just put the coconut oil in fruit smoothies in the morning. Imagine what health improvements my body would have if I (and I will) increase my coconut oil intake to cooking with it!

"Also, my biggest health success with coconut oil has been the support it gives to my immune system. I feel less fatigued, I'm sleeping less, and feeling great! Thank you, Dr. Mercola! Bravo!"

-- J Newman from Monterey, CA

If you could peek inside my pantry, you would find two oils that I use in food preparation.

The first, extra-virgin olive oil, is a better monounsaturated fat. It works great as a salad dressing.

However, it is not the best oil to cook with. Due to its chemical structure, cooking makes it susceptible to oxidative damage.

And polyunsaturated fats, which include common vegetable oils such as corn, soy, safflower, sunflower and canola, are absolutely the worst oils to use in cooking. These omega-6 oils are highly susceptible to heat damage because of all the double bonds they have.

I strongly urge you to throw out those omega-6 vegetable oils in your cabinets. Why?

Reason #1: Most people believe that frying creates trans fats. That is not the major problem, in my opinion. Although some are created, they are relatively minor. There are FAR more toxic chemicals produced by frying omega-6 oils than trans fats.

Frying destroys the antioxidants in oils and as such oxidizes the oils. This causes cross-linking, cyclization, double-bond shifts, fragmentation and polymerization of oils that cause far more damage than trans fats.

Reason #2: They contribute to the overabundance of omega-6 fats in your diet, and the imbalance of the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. As you know from my extensive writing on this subject, I believe that excessive consumption of omega-6 fats contributes to many health concerns.

There is only one oil that is stable enough to resist heat-induced damage, while it also helps you promote heart health, maintain normal cholesterol levels and even supports weight loss -- coconut oil.

So, whenever you need an oil to cook with, use coconut oil instead of butter, olive oil, vegetable oil, margarine, or any other type of oil called for in recipes. Even though I don't fully recommend frying foods, if you must fry, by all means use coconut oil -- it's your smartest choice.

Curiously, coconut oil contains the most saturated fat of all edible oils. We continue to be inundated by media portrayals of saturated fats as dangerous, but now you know better. And now you should have more peace of mind, knowing that you're making the right choice by using great-tasting Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.

Coconut Oil Is Not Just For Cooking & Eating -- Your Skin Likes It, Too!

The benefits of Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil don't stop in your kitchen. For decades, professional massage therapists have used pure coconut oil to knead away tight stressed muscles.

Several months ago I took Dr. Mercola's advice and started using coconut oil on my skin. It has done wonders for me! A few weeks ago my husband and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary, and drove to my friend's place of business to have her re-bless our marriage (she married us 7 years ago). When we walked into her business, she immediately recognized my husband, but didn't recognize me! In fact, she told me later that she wondered who the younger woman was with my husband!!!! -- that's so funny, considering my friend and I have known each other since 1980! Just thought I would share.

-- Annie Flanders, Snohomish WA

However, you don't have to be a professional massage therapist to gain the skin and tissue support benefits of coconut oil. Feel free to use this high-quality coconut oil as you would any lotion.

Coconut oil is ideal for skin care. It helps protect your skin from the aging effects of free radicals, and can help improve the appearance of skin with its anti-aging benefits.

In fact, physiologist and biochemist Ray Peat, Ph.D. considers coconut oil to be an antioxidant, due to its stability and resistance to oxidation and free radical formation. Plus, he feels it reduces our need for the antioxidant protection of vitamin E.

Like Dr. Peat, many experts believe coconut oil may help restore more youthful-looking skin. When coconut oil is absorbed into the skin and connective tissues, it helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by helping to keep connective tissues strong and supple.

Coconut oil will not only bring temporary benefits to the skin, but it will aid in restoring your skin's youthful appearance. The coconut oil will aid in exfoliating the outer layer of dead skin cells, making the skin smoother. It also penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin to strengthen the underlying tissues.

Responders to the survey provided remarkable feedback on how Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil supported healthy skin, including:

  • Smoothing and moisturizing effects
  • Promoted skin elasticity
  • Convenient eye make-up remover
  • Use in shaving applications

Surprise! Coconut Oil Is Also Good For Your Heart...

FACT: Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the U.S. And heart disease is often a silent killer. The first sign of cardiovascular disease is commonly a heart attack, and sadly, over one third of heart attacks are fatal.

And despite the propaganda, the truth is this: it is UNSATURATED fats that are primarily involved in heart disease, not the saturated fats, as you have been led to believe. As you saw earlier, countries that subsist on a coconut-based diet appear to enjoy good heart health.

The U.S. Department of Health and the FDA estimate that artificially hydrogenated trans-fats -- the type found in fast food, processed foods and your favorite pastries -- are ultimately responsible for a huge number of fatal heart attacks every year. These dangerous unsaturated fats are the ones you should ban from your diet, not naturally pure coconut oil, which is a better alternative because it contains very few fats with highly perishable double bonds -- and also has NO TRANS-FATS.

Plus, those commonly-used polyunsaturated fats encourage the formation of blood clots by increasing platelet stickiness. Coconut oil helps to promote normal platelet function.

A Fat Is A Fat... Or Is It?


Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is 100% organic, made from fresh-picked coconuts, and contains no chemical additives or trans-fats.

All fats are not equal.

And just so we're clear, the terms "fats" and "oils" are often used interchangeably, but fat is more correctly considered solid at room temperature, while oils are liquid. But what's really important is the structure.

The unique health benefits of coconut oil are directly related to its chemical structure, or more precisely, the length of its fatty acid chains.

Coconut oil is comprised of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), also called medium-chain triglycerides or MCTs.

Coconut oil is nature's richest source of these healthy MCFAs.

By contrast, most common vegetable or seed oils are comprised of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs), also known as long-chain triglycerides or LCTs.

There are several reasons to explain why these long-chain fatty acids are not as healthy for you as the MCFAs in coconut oil:

  • LCFAs are difficult for the body to break down -- they must be packaged with lipoproteins or carrier proteins and require special enzymes for digestion.
  • LCFAs put more strain on the pancreas, the liver and the entire digestive system.
  • LCFAs are predominantly stored in the body as fat. (That's why most people buy into the myth that fats are automatically "fattening".)
  • LCFAs can be deposited within arteries in lipid forms such as cholesterol.

On the other hand, however, the MCFAs in coconut oil are more health-promoting, because:

  • MCFAs are smaller. They permeate cell membranes easily, and do not require lipoproteins or special enzymes to be utilized effectively by your body.
  • MCFAs are easily digested, thus putting less strain on your digestive system. This is especially important for those of you with digestive or metabolic concerns.
  • MCFAs are sent directly to your liver, where they are immediately converted into energy rather than being stored as fat.
  • MCFAs in coconut oil can actually help stimulate your body's metabolism, leading to weight loss.

Coconut Oil Is the Dieter's Best Friend

If you live in the United States, you have a 55% chance of being overweight.

And, by now, I'm sure you're aware that obesity affects your quality of life and is linked to many health concerns.

One of the best benefits of coconut oil lies in its ability to help stimulate your metabolism.

Back in the 1940s, farmers found out about this effect by accident when they tried using inexpensive coconut oil to fatten their livestock.

Outside of mother's milk, pure coconut oil is nature's most plentiful source of lauric acid.

Outside of mother's milk, pure coconut oil is nature's most plentiful source of lauric acid.

It didn't work!

Instead, coconut oil made the animals lean, active and hungry.

Now, I'm certainly not comparing you to a farm animal...

However, many animal and human research studies have demonstrated that replacing LCFAs with MCFAs results in both decreased body weight and reduced fat deposition.

So, by changing the fats in your diet from the unsaturated long-chain fatty acids found in vegetable or seed oils to the MCFAs in coconut oil, along with following an exercise plan, you may find yourself gradually losing those unnecessary pounds.
The reasons are simple:

  1. The long-chain fats nearly always go to fat storage, while the MCFAs are burned for energy
  2. Since coconut oil helps to stimulate your metabolism, you may burn more calories each day, helping to accelerate weight loss (and probably your activity and energy level, too) survey respondents provided many examples of how coconut oil got them started optimizing their weight. Here are a few excerpts:

  • "I lost about 24 pounds in 6-8 weeks"
  • "I wasn't really overweight to begin with but I have lost some of my excess belly fat"
  • "In conjunction with exercise and eliminating most starches from my diet, I have lost 45 pounds over the past 5 months"
  • "I have been losing weight and body fat"
  • "Besides the good taste, my weight seems to have stabilized"

Coconut oil has often been compared to carbohydrates in its ability to be "burned" for energy. However, since insulin is not involved in the process of digesting the MCFAs in coconut oil, you won't get those carb-related spikes in your blood sugar level. This is especially good news for those of you concerned about maintaining normal blood sugar levels.

In fact, the ability of MCFAs to be easily digested, to help stimulate the metabolism and be turned into energy has entered the sports arena. Several studies have now shown that MCFAs enhance physical or athletic performance.

Additionally, research has demonstrated that, due to its metabolic effect, coconut oil increases the activity of the thyroid. And you've probably heard that a sluggish thyroid is one reason why some people are unable to lose weight, no matter what they do.

Besides weight loss, there are other advantages to boosting your metabolic rate. Your healing process accelerates. Cell regeneration increases to replace old cells, and your immune system functions better overall.

Coconut Oil's Natural "Miracle" Ingredient: Lauric Acid

Yes, it's true.

Nature still has a few miracles up her sleeve.

You've probably heard that breast milk is jam-packed with nutrients and disease-fighting ingredients that help keep babies healthy.

Well, incredibly, coconut oil contains one of the same compounds -- lauric acid -- found in mother's milk! And lauric acid is the predominant type of MCFA found in coconut oil.

Fortunately for our health, lauric acid in both breast milk and coconut oil transforms when consumed into a substance called monolaurin, the actual compound responsible for helping to strengthen the immune system.

Skeptical? So were a lot of scientists, who've proceeded to test the heck out of this substance.

In fact, a great volume of research has been done establishing the ability of lauric acid to enhance immunity.

What researchers found was that this medium-chain fatty acid derivative actually disrupts the lipid (or fatty) membranes of the offending organisms.

The lauric acid in coconut oil is one effortless way to help strengthen your immune system.

And, unlike the usual lauric acid content of 42-49% in many coconut oil brands, Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil contains a whopping 57% of lauric acid.

If all this wasn't enough, coconut oil has even more tricks up its sleeve.

Why You Must Be Choosy About Your Brand of Coconut Oil

As you may know, there is a very wide variety in coconut oil due to factors such as the manufacturing process used to make the oil, the age and type of coconuts, and other issues that impact the quality, effectiveness and healthiness of your coconut oil.

Meeting such high standards is no small feat, but you should not settle for anything less if you want to experience all the health benefits of coconut oil. (If you are currently using or considering another brand, please make sure it meets the requirements below.)

The only reason is now offering Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is that we made sure that it meets all these requirements of a better coconut oil, including:

Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Certified organic by USDA standards
  • No refining
  • No chemicals added (including hexane)
  • No bleaching
  • No deodorization
  • No hydrogenation
  • Made from traditional coconut palms only, no hybrid or genetically modified (GMO) varieties
  • Made from fresh coconuts, not the dried "copra" used in cheap oils
  • Made without heat processing

Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is made from fresh coconuts -- opened less than 48 hours after they are picked from the trees. These coconuts are grown and processed organically, without potentially harmful fertilizers, additives or chemical solvents.


Adding Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil to your pet's diet is one of the smartest things you can do to enhance your pet's life.

In contrast, most commercial coconut oils are made from copra, the dried up meat from coconuts. Using the cheaper copra-grade coconut means that the oil extracted may not be sanitary, and, in my opinion, it is not suitable for human consumption.

It must not be refined or purified. In fact, this type of inferior coconut oil is called RBD -- refined, bleached and deodorized.

Mass-producing coconut oil in this manner typically uses nutrient-removing heat, chemical solvents, bleaching agents and sometimes even hydrogenating processes, which can create trans fats.

Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is made without heat processing. The fresh coconuts are first cold pressed to make a coconut emulsion. After being chilled to help pull out the oils, the milk goes through a centrifuge, where the pure oil spins away from the water layer. This results in a pure and natural, organic, unrefined and highly stable coconut oil.

Additionally, blindfolded taste tests confirm this coconut oil to have a fresh and mild, light coconut flavor -- and to consistently beat out other brands in taste. And of course, laboratory analysis continues to confirm the high quality of this extra virgin coconut oil.

Even More Reasons to Replace Those Other Oils With Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

The use of coconut oil is one of the smartest dietary measures I recommend.

The medium-chain fats in coconut oil are considered so nutritious that they have been used in baby formulas, and in hospitals to feed the critically ill, those on tube feeding, and those with digestive problems.

Coconut oil is exceptionally helpful for pregnant women, nursing moms, the elderly, those concerned about digestive health, athletes (even weekend warriors), and those of you who just want to enhance your overall health.

No guilt. No cholesterol. No trans-fats. No downside. Only your peace of mind.

The light, non-greasy taste of Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is so delicious, you'll want to use it nearly every time you cook. Just to get you started, here are a few things you can do with your coconut oil:

  • Whenever you fry, stir-fry or sauté veggies, eggs, poultry, fish or whatever, use coconut oil for a health-conscious light flavor
  • Toss some coconut oil into your smoothies or juiced drinks for a burst of lauric acid
  • Make your own mayonnaise with coconut oil
  • Use it on your salads for a tropical flair
  • Try it on popcorn instead of butter
Due to its exceptional stability, this coconut oil has a long shelf life of two or more years (the longest of any oil), and does not have to be refrigerated. Coconut oil should be stored out of direct sunlight, however

Double Tree Inn Cookies...healthified!

Really good I made them guilt free. Yum. Apparently the word is, when you stay at these hotels you are welcomed with these delicious warm cookies (I've never stayed there). They are reeeeallllly good.

Double Tree Cookies

1/2 cup rolled oats
2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour (soft or hard white if milling your own)
1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup unrefined coconut oil or 2 sticks softened organic butter
1/2 cup organic sucanat
3/4 cup Global Sweet Xylitol or 1/4 cup raw honey
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
2 organic free range eggs
3 cups 60 % cocoa dark chocolate chips
1 1/2 cups chopped walnuts

Grind oats in a food processor until fine. Mix all dry ingredients together. Mix sucanat, your choice of sweetener, coconut oil, vanilla and lemon juice in a separate bowl. Add eggs. Stir in dry mixture. Add chocolate chips and walnuts. If made with coconut oil, Freeze dough, covered, for about 15-20 minutes so it is not melty.
Drop about 2 inch balls onto greased (grapeseed oil spray) cookie sheet. Bake at 325 degrees for about 8-12 minutes. Watch them carefully... :)
They may look darker in color because of the wheat flour, but are not burned!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Julie's 'Sticky' Hawaiian Chicken

My friend Julie gave me this recipe and it is now a staple recipe in our house! We use chicken drumsticks with it, and we can get organic grass fed chicken for $1.29/lb. The only thing I did different was the sugar (see below), thanks Julie for the yummy recipe!

1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 garlic clove or use garlic powder
1/2 cup MSG free soy sauce such as San-J Tamari
3/4 cup sugar (or a good squeeze of raw honey (about a 1/4 cup)- which is what I do)
1/2 cup organic ketchup
Organic free range chicken drumsticks (I remove the skin, but Julie keeps it on)

Mix ingredients and pour over chicken in a glass pan. Cover with foil and marinade in fridge for 2 hours or overnight, flipping once. Bake at 350 degrees, foil covered, for 1 1/2 hours. Remove foil last 15 minutes. Remember to baste or flip once during baking.

If you serve this with brown rice, you can pour the extra sauce on the rice- so good!!

Melt In Your Mouth Good Banana Muffins

This is the best recipe ever. It's from a Family Fun cookbook I own, and I have been using it for years. The problem is the shortening, refined sugar, white flour, I changed it! And let me tell you I think the new version is even better than the last. Try it! You will LOVE it!

1/2 cup unrefined coconut oil
1/4 cup raw honey or 1 1/4 cup xylitol (you choose!)
2 free range eggs
5 overripe bananas
2 cups whole wheat flour
3/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 teaspoons baking soda
60 % cocoa baking chips (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease pans with grapeseed oil spray.
Cream the oil and your choice of sweetener. Add eggs and bananas and blend until bananas are thoroughly mashed. Add dry ingredients and mix well. Add chocolate chips if you choose. Divide among pans and bake: About 15 mins for mini muffins, about 18-20 minutes for larger muffins, and about 50 minutes for a loaf pan.
If you double the recipe, you should have enough to make one of each. I added the chocolate to only my mini muffins for variety. SOOOO YUMMY!!!!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Cream of Cauliflower Soup

My Mother in Law gave me this recipe and we all love it. It's super easy, super healthy, and who doesn't like a warm bowl of soup on a chilly day?

Put together in a stock pot over medium high heat:

3 cups free range organic chicken stock
1 cup water
5 carrots, peeled and choped
4 stalks celery, chopped
1 small/medium head of cauliflower, chopped into small pieces
1 bunch of kale, stemmed and torn
Season with pepper, garlic salt (or be better than me and use fresh garlic! It is flu season after all!). Add 2-4 cups milk depending on how creamy you like it, and 4 teaspoons of butter.
Add 1-2 cups of cubed uncured turkey or uncured ham deli meat if you choose to. Cook until veggies are tender.

Fall Pumpkin Muffins!

Pumpkin Bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin pie....I love fall! Here is a great and healthy recipe for pumpkin bread and or muffins that is not super sweet and super delicious.
1 15 oz can organic pumpkin
1/2 cup raw honey
2/3 cup unrefined coconut oil
2 teaspoons vanilla
4 large free range eggs
3 cups whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup raisins or chopped nuts if desired
Heat oven to 350 degrees and grease bottoms of loaf or muffin pans with grapeseed oil spray.
Mix first 6 wet ingedients. Stir in remaining dry ingredients. Divide batter evenly among pans.
Bake loaves for about 45-1 hour, mini muffins about 15 minutes, large muffins about 20 minutes. Just check them if you're unsure- no one likes a crunchy burned muffin!
You can also use this same recipe for zucchini bread, just exchange the pumpkin for 3 cups shredded zucchini.

Broccoli Soup

I love broccoli so this soup is heaven for me! I double the recipe so I can have leftovers.

Makes: 5 cups

1 tablespoon grapeseed oil
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cups free range organic chicken broth
1-2 packages (10 ounces) frozen chopped organic broccoli OR fresh broccoli, one good size bunch (I use fresh- so much better! Yum!)
1/2 cup water
4 large potoatoes, organic with skins attached
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1-1/2 cups milk
2 cups shredded monterrey jack cheese or white cheddar cheese (I use raw)

1. In large saucepan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add onion and cook until golden, about 5 minutes. Stir in broth, broccoli, water, potato, pepper, salt. Heat to boiling over high heat. Reduce heat to low, and simmer until potato is cooked, about 15 minutes. Cool 10 minutes.
2. Puree soup in blender until smooth OR if you prefer a more chunky soup like I do, use a hand mixer and just puree it some right in the pot OR doing half and half works great. Half in the blender pureed and the other half just use a potato masher to mash it a little, then add the pureed half back to it and mix. Pour back into saucepan (If using blender). Stir in milk and cheese, and warm soup over low heat. Perfection.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Healthy Red Beans and Rice

This is my creation. And I will admit I am pretty proud. I think it's pretty darn good, for a beans and rice dish!! ;)

Cook 1/2 chopped onion, 3 chopped celery stalks, 4 chopped carrots and 1 chopped red pepper in 2 Tbsp's coconut (refined) oil until tender. Add one can organic red beans and one lb ground organic free range turkey, cook thoroughly (You could do 2 cans beans and no meat if you prefer). Season to your liking with (depending on how spicy you want it):

sea salt


garlic salt




cayenne pepper

and chili powder

Serve over brown rice. You could cook fresh garlic in this dish too.

Amazing Chicken Curry Recipe From My Friend Rachel!

I got this recipe from my friend Rachel who grew up in Africa. It is an amazing and healthy recipe for chicken curry. It has become one our our staple meals we love it so much! Our favorite toppings are sour cream, tomatoes, avocado and onion. The picture possibly looks like trust me, it is TO DIE FOR! I changed only a few things to make it suit us. Everything else is just as Rachel gave it to me!

Rachel and her mom's yummy recipe for Chicken Curry. Nothing has to be too exact and you can really make it your own by adding other ingredients that you like.

Chicken Curry

1-2lbs cut up organic free range chicken breasts
4-5 big potatos cubed
1/2 or 1 onion diced small
1-2 cloves garlic diced small
2-4 T grapeseed oil
2 Cups organic chicken stock
1-2 T tomato paste (can substitute with ketchup,leftover spaghetti sauce,etc.) I use organic ketchup
2-3T curry powder(the more you add the spicier)
1T paprika
Sea Salt and pepper to taste
4T whole wheat flour
Start out in a pot with the oil on medium heat. Saute the onions and then garlic after they are clear (couple min.) add the curry powder and paprika and saute for about a min. Get 2 cups of Chicken stock measured and ready. You might need to add a little more oil to the pot before you add the flour. Once you have done that use a wisk and gradually add in the flour to the olive oil mixture stirring constantly. The texture should be pretty creamy to thick. Continue stirring for a couple of minutes to cook the flour. Then begin to add the chicken stock. Keep stirring with the wisk the entire time the chicken stock is being added to the oil,spices, flour etc. Add the tomato paste and salt and pepper.
Phewph the hard part is over!
Cover and let the curry heat up to simmer turn heat down and cook for as long as you have time stirring occasionally(1 hour is good, but a few minutes is fine too.)
Then add the cut up chicken and potatoes and simmer for about 20 minutes until the chicken and potatoes are cooked through and the curry has a nice consistency. If you want you can add a cup of sour cream at the end, it adds some creaminess but isnt necessary. I have found that the longer the curry cooks, the more the tastes change of the curry. When you start at the beginning the curry may taste a little off and not salty enough, but then by the end it may be much spicier and salty as everything cooks, so less is more and you can always add curry/salt later if you need too. If you want the curry to be spicier you can always add a little cayenne pepper and more curry powder.... beware...!
Serve over brown rice.
Topping ideas:
sour cream
diced onion
anything that sounds good!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hold The Hamburger Helper!

This is so easy. Need a last minute healthy meal? Make these black bean soft tacos!
Whole Grain Wheat tortillas
1 can black beans, rinsed & drained
shredded white cheddar or monterrey jack cheese
fresh cut tomatoes and avocados
Place beans and cheese in wraps and roll up. Place in dish and bake for 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees.
Add tomatoes and avocado (You can add salsa and sour cream if you want) roll back up and enjoy!
Hint: Leftovers aren't so good...or maybe that was just my icky morning sickness..?
Note to self: Check your beans!! I made chili today and used a generic brand of beans. After opening I checked the ingredients (which I usually do in the store, guess not this time!) and it was full of unnecessary stuff, including high fructose corn syrup! I am buying organic from now on. I found the Whole Foods brand is only 10 or 20 cents more. Worth it to me!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sneaky MSG Info

Here is great information about MSG (Monosodium Glutamate). It sure is sneaky. The end is pretty pro-vegan (which I am not), but the bottom line is that it is pretty surprising all this other stuff is or has amounts of MSG in it. Gross.

If is says, autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, or textureized vegetable protein, IT IS MSG.
If it says, maltodextrin, barley malt, whey protein, soy protein isolate (or words to that nature), IT IS MSG.
Gelatin (used in vitamin capsules) contains MSG.
Most smoke flavor or "flavorings" contain MSG.
Soy sauce, made from the fermentation of soy beans contains MSG and pure MSG powder can be added to cheaper brands of soy sauce to enhance its flavor.
Confirmed with Fearn Foods, the manufacturer of Spike, Spike contains MSG.
It is in vegetarian meat analogs, "hot dog analogs", soup broths, bouillon, and products using the words containing protein fortified, enzyme modified, rice syrup, brown rice syrup, citric acid, milk powder, dry milk solids, annatto, spice, carrageenan, guar gum, and lecithin (if from hydrolyzed soy products).
But wait, there`s more!Candy, drinks, gum, packaged salads with citric acid, low fat milk, stevia (if coupled with maltodextrin), Accent, Lawry`s Seasoning Salt, Torula Yeast, Adobo salt, Chinese Seasonings, and believe it or not, internal feeding materials and some fluids administered intravenously in hospitals.
So, what is one to do?Learn to cook and eat naturally, forget fast foods, processed foods, animal products and dairy products and eat an organic vegan plant based diet that is as much organic as possible.Let your spices be natural from foods and herbs. And above all, before you buy anything packaged and/or processed, YOU MUST READ LABELS.One more thing, politicians that receive campaign contributions from large food companies have made it so that legislation has been passed to NOT list MSG as an ingredient but to euphemistically use the words mentioned above.

2-For-One Meal!

I'm all about easy these days. So tonight you can make this Asian Chicken Salad, while easily marinating the chicken with similar ingredients for tomorrow's dinner! And both are so easy.

Asian Chicken Salad

Romaine Lettuce
1 small can mandarin oranges in juice not syrup, save the juice
slivered almonds
Your favorite dressing, maybe Asian or balsamic
Cooked chicken:
1 to 2 organic free range chicken breasts cut into cubes
pan fry on medium heat with grapeseed oil once or twice around the pan
about a half cup of Asian sauce, soy, teriyaki, tamari, etc. Low sodium & check my post on MSG **San-J Tamari is my favorite
a couple tablespoons of sesame seeds
Cook about 10 minutes until golden brown
Add to salad and you're all done!

I wanted to serve this with home made fresh spring rolls but hey...I'm pregnant.

Now, use the extra chicken breasts from the pack and trim, tenderize, and cut in half
Place in a glass baking dish
Drizzle 1 or 2 tablespoons grapeseed oil in a mixing bowl
1 or 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 to 2 tablespoons raw honey
3/4 cup of the same Asian sauce from the salad
Juice from the mandarin oranges
season with sea salt, pepper, garlic salt, ginger and parsley
Mix it up and pour on top of chicken.
Marinade in fridge overnight, turning breasts over in the morning
Grill for dinner, or you can bake it in the dish. If you grill, save the extra marinade, boil it, and use it as a sauce to dip the chicken in.

2 easy, healthy, light meals DONE. Yay!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lack of New Posts!

Big announcement to all: We are expecting our 2nd child in May 2010! Thus the reason I have not been posting.....I have not been doing much cooking....been super tired! And why is it so hard to eat healthy when you're pregnant, especially during the first trimester? Ugh!

I think I am getting back into my groove, so hopefully that means more healthy home made meals and more posts. :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


If you have tried any of these recipes, please share a comment, good or bad! I would love to know if you had success or not.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Flu Shot Info!

Great information if you're on the fence on whether or not to get the flu and/or H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine!

Please keep in mind the life style changes that are necessary if you are going to decide not to get a vaccine. If you are not living a healthy lifestyle, your body will not be able to fight off disease. All the more reason to give up junk and start eating healthy, whole foods and drinking a lot of GOOD water!

Taken from an article on
"So how do you stop worrying about the flu vaccine, how do you really prevent flues and more serious diseases? When I give the answer, this is where I lose those who are addicted to "quick fixes," who are lazy, or just plain brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies, but here it is:
Start focusing NOW on eating properly. That means STOP with the junk foods and fast foods, STOP with the sugary foods, the processed grains, and the trans-fats. That means INCREASE the healthy and essential fats like the omega-3 found in cod liver oil, the good carbohydrates like those in vegetables, and the healthy proteins like those in clean, naturally raised meats (i.e., NOT the kind you typically find in grocery stores) like free-range chicken. That means learn your metabolic type as soon as possible so you know what proportion of fats, carbs and proteins are ideal to build YOUR immune system (and help you optimize your weight, and increase energy, and avoid premature aging).
I guarantee that this and not vaccines and pills are the answer. I have spent over two decades developing my dietary program, and through my respected clinic it has proven to help tens of thousands of people build their immunity, overcome disease (most far more serious than the flu), optimize their weight and increase their energy."

Top ways to fight off the flu (also from

Probiotics are one of only two supplements that are recommended to all new patients who come to the Natural Health Center that I stared in 1985 (the other being an omega-3 fat supplement). It’s also one of the few supplements that I personally take every day.
In many cultures, probiotic-rich food and drinks, such as the fermented superfoods natto, kefir, lassi (an Indian yogurt drink) and sauerkraut, are an integral part of the daily diet.
If you eat a diet rich in fermented foods like these that have NOT been pasteurized (pasteurization will kill the probiotics), then you will likely enjoy great digestive, and immune system, health.
However, if you find yourself strongly drawn to processed foods or rely on mostly cooked foods, as is commonplace in the United States, the balance of bacteria in your digestive tract will have a hard time staying optimal.
This is most unfortunate because this ratio between the "good" bacteria and the other bacteria is one of the critical factors determining your optimal health, as the good bacteria are essential for:\
The proper development of your immune system
Protection against over-growth of other microorganisms that could cause disease
Digestion of food and absorption of nutrients
The probiotics in your gut also play a role in helping numerous bodily functions, such as:
Digesting and absorbing certain carbohydrates.
Producing vitamins, absorbing minerals and eliminating toxins.
Keeping bad bacteria under control.
Preventing allergies. Friendly bacteria train your immune system to distinguish between pathogens and non-harmful antigens, and to respond appropriately.
Providing vital support to your immune system. Beneficial bacteria have a lifelong, powerful effect on your gut’s immune system and your systemic immune system as well.
Sugar is also an incredibly efficient fertilizer for growing bad bacteria and yeast in your gut, so if you indulge in a lot of it you’re fueling the bad bacteria rather than the good.
Likewise, stress, pollution, and taking antibiotics can further upset the balance in a negative way.
Since helpful bacteria are increasingly absent in most people’s diets, it is important to purposely include foods that contain live probiotic bacteria in your diet, or take a probiotic supplement -- especially since flu season is just around the corner.

Here’s What You Need to Know to Avoid the Flu This Year
Now is the time to start making healthy changes that will keep you virtually immune to cold and flu viruses. If you follow the tips I recommend, you can easily sail through each and every winter (and fall, spring and summer) without so much as a case of the sniffles.
How do I know this?
Because I have not caught the flu in over 20 years, and you can avoid it too -- without getting vaccinated -- by following these simple guidelines.
Optimize your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D deficiency is the likely cause of seasonal flu viruses. Getting an optimal level of vitamin D will help you fight infections of all kinds. In fact, the largest study yet of the association between vitamin D and respiratory infections found people with the lowest blood vitamin D levels reported having significantly more recent colds or cases of the flu.
Eat plenty of probiotic-rich fermented foods, or take a high-quality probiotic supplement to support your digestive and immune system health.
Avoid or Limit Sugar. Sugar decreases the function of your immune system almost immediately and a strong immune system is key to fighting off viruses and other illness.
Get Enough Rest. Just like it becomes harder for you to get your daily tasks done if you're tired, if your body is overly fatigued it will be harder for it to fight off cold and flu viruses.
Have Tools to Address Stress. We all face some stress every day, but if stress becomes overwhelming then your body will be less able to fight off the flu and other illness.
If you feel that stress is taking a toll on your health, consider using an energy psychology tool such as the Meridian Tapping Technique (MTT), which is remarkably effective in relieving stress associated with all kinds of events, from work to family to trauma
Exercise. When you exercise, you increase your circulation and your blood flow throughout your body. The components of your immune system are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of finding an illness before it spreads.
Take a good source of animal based omega-3 fats like Krill Oil, which is crucial for maintaining health.
Wash Your Hands. Washing your hands will decrease your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth or other people. Be sure you don't use antibacterial soap for this -- antibacterial soaps are completely unnecessary, and they cause far more harm than good. Instead, identify a simple chemical-free soap that you can switch your family to.
Also, be careful not to overdo it. Washing your hands too much can actually remove much of the protective layer on your skin and increase your chances of acquiring an infection

And I will garlic! :D

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's Flu Season! Bring Out The Garlic!

Ok, so with flu season right around the corner, I decided to throw in tons of fresh garlic into any meal I could. Here is one I made a few weeks ago.

Meat Sauce:

2-4 lbs free range ground turkey or ground beef
1/4 cup grapeseed oil
2 onions peeled and chopped
8-10 medium carrots, peeled and shredded
6-12 cloves (or more!) garlic peeled and coarsely chopped- I like to throw these in the blender :)
1 cups dry red wine
3 cans (28 ounces) organic crushed tomatoes
1 can (28 oz) organic diced tomatoes
1 can organic tomato paste
2 teaspoons Italian seasonings
2 teaspoons raw honey
1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
Brown meat with oil, onions, carrots, and garlic. Cook until meat is done, stirring occasionally. Add wine and cook 1 minute. Add tomatoes with juices, tomato paste, Italian seasonings, honey, salt, and pepper. Simmer for 45 minutes (at least), stirring occasionally.

Serve hot over cooked whole wheat or rice pasta. Freeze extras for another day!

If you're super adventurous, you can serve it with:

Tri-Color Pepper Salad:

1 orange, red and yellow bell pepper, chopped
1 or 2 garlic cloves, pressed
1 tablespoon chopped onion
1/4 cup balsamic vinaigrette salad dressing

Monday, August 31, 2009

Whole Grain Corn Muffins

Fast, easy and yummy mini corn muffins.

1 1/2 cups Hodgson Mill yellow corn meal
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 raw honey
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup buttermilk*
1 egg
1/4 cup grapeseed oil

Preheat oven to 400 degrees and grease mini muffin tin with grapeseed oil spray. Combine all ingredients in micing bowl and mix until just combined. Spoon batter into muffin tins, and bake for about 10 minutes. Makes about 24 mini muffins.
*Note: you can make buttermilk by adding one tbsp lemon juice to a one cup measuring cup then filling it the rest of the way with milk.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Crunchy Fish Sticks

I had a craving for fish I made my own so I would at least know what I was eating! Took a little more time than frozen fish sticks, but they were so good, my daughter loved them! When you crave fried food, try it yourself! You'll save yourself at least a year of your life I'm sure. ;)

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 tablespoons dried mustard
sea salt and pepper to taste
2 cups buttermilk
2 eggs
about 4 tilapia filets (fresh and cut lengthwise and then in half- cut in half again if too thick, 1/4 inch thickness works good)
Panko style bread crumbs
1 cup refined coconut oil

In a large bowl, mix together flour, mustard, salt, and pepper; add buttermilk and eggs. Heat oil over medium/medium high heat. Pour breadcrumbs into a large plate. Coat fish in egg mixture and roll in breadcrumbs. Cook in heated oil for about 2 minutes on each side (you will know the oil is hot enough if you drop some of the egg mixture into it and it sizzles). Place cooked fish sticks on a plate with paper towel to absorb extra oil. Serve hot.