I got this recipe from my friend Rachel who grew up in Africa. It is an amazing and healthy recipe for chicken curry. It has become one our our staple meals we love it so much! Our favorite toppings are sour cream, tomatoes, avocado and onion. The picture possibly looks like puke...lol...but trust me, it is TO DIE FOR! I changed only a few things to make it suit us. Everything else is just as Rachel gave it to me!
Rachel and her mom's yummy recipe for Chicken Curry. Nothing has to be too exact and you can really make it your own by adding other ingredients that you like.
Chicken Curry
1-2lbs cut up organic free range chicken breasts
4-5 big potatos cubed
1/2 or 1 onion diced small
1-2 cloves garlic diced small
2-4 T grapeseed oil
2 Cups organic chicken stock
1-2 T tomato paste (can substitute with ketchup,leftover spaghetti sauce,etc.) I use organic ketchup
2-3T curry powder(the more you add the spicier)
1T paprika
Sea Salt and pepper to taste
4T whole wheat flour
Start out in a pot with the oil on medium heat. Saute the onions and then garlic after they are clear (couple min.) add the curry powder and paprika and saute for about a min. Get 2 cups of Chicken stock measured and ready. You might need to add a little more oil to the pot before you add the flour. Once you have done that use a wisk and gradually add in the flour to the olive oil mixture stirring constantly. The texture should be pretty creamy to thick. Continue stirring for a couple of minutes to cook the flour. Then begin to add the chicken stock. Keep stirring with the wisk the entire time the chicken stock is being added to the oil,spices, flour etc. Add the tomato paste and salt and pepper.
Phewph the hard part is over!
Cover and let the curry heat up to simmer turn heat down and cook for as long as you have time stirring occasionally(1 hour is good, but a few minutes is fine too.)
Then add the cut up chicken and potatoes and simmer for about 20 minutes until the chicken and potatoes are cooked through and the curry has a nice consistency. If you want you can add a cup of sour cream at the end, it adds some creaminess but isnt necessary. I have found that the longer the curry cooks, the more the tastes change of the curry. When you start at the beginning the curry may taste a little off and not salty enough, but then by the end it may be much spicier and salty as everything cooks, so less is more and you can always add curry/salt later if you need too. If you want the curry to be spicier you can always add a little cayenne pepper and more curry powder.... beware...!
Serve over brown rice.
Topping ideas:
sour cream
diced onion
anything that sounds good!