Making your own baby food is very simple. Here is a quick little lesson.
1. Prepare produce- washing well, peeling if necessary, etc. I actually keep the skins on my fruits, such as pears or apples, because I buy organic and when you process them it all blends in anyway. Nutrients!
2. Steam veggies or fruits until tender. Or bake until tender (squash, yams etc.).
3. Blend in your blender or food processor until completely pureed, with a tiny bit of liquid. You can use purified water, breast milk, goats milk, cow's milk (babies over 1)...
4. Store in fridge for a few days and use as needed, or you can freeze. To freeze (I recommend this), simply place pureed foods in clean ice cube trays, stick them in a ziplock bag and pop them in your freezer. Once frozen, you can pop them out of the trays, storing the cubes in the bags until needed.
Our favorite first foods (Our Gia did not eat solids until around 10 months):
Avocado- this is great because it is healthy fat, and babies are used to digesting fats (from breast milk/formula), and you can mash it fresh!
Sweet Potatoes
Organic Pears
Organic Apples
Oatmeal- you can grind the oats in the blender to make the oatmeal nice and smooth.
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